• Makulu Linux 2023 (64Bit)

MakuluLinux is a rolling-release, desktop distribution based either on Ubuntu's LTS (long-term support) release or Debian's "Testing" branch. It includes pre-installed multimedia codecs, device drivers and software for everyday use. MakuluLinux comes in four editions: "LinDoz" - featuring the Cinnamon desktop with the user interface customised to resemble that of Microsoft Windows, "Core" - presenting a highly customised Xfce desktop environment, "Flash" - providing a standard Xfce desktop, and finally "Shift" - delivering a pre-configured GNOME desktop environment.

MakuluLinux LinDoz is built on our new Debian hybrid 2021 Base and Designed on a heavily modified Gnome Framework. Designed to make the user transition from Windows to Linux Easier and more comfortable while still retaining its Linux roots has been quite a challenge, and one we focused heavily on 2 Fronts ( Keep a familiar “Windows like” look, but push the Linux experience ). With all New Gui’s and Features to make the User experience easier, using the new LinDoz is a breeze and feels very comfortable.

LinDoz has started to shift and move away from simply being a Windows Clone, We wanted to give it an identity of its own while still retaining that ”almost windows like” look. Its been a challenge to achieve this, however I Think we are on the right path to reach that goal. The new LinDoz now sports 12 themes, These can easily be switched on the fly Thanx to our new Theme selector we designed. It can not only change the GTK Theme, but also transforms the whole desktop with cursors, window borders and such to fit the selected Theme.

With the move from cinnamon framework to a Gnome Framework it has brought many new features to the LinDoz operating system, while the default front End Gnome interface is loved by some and hated by others and quite often criticized for its heavy resource hogging, the backend of gnome is extremely powerful and feature rich, it is this backend that LinDoz is built on. We have spent much time tweaking the OS to be speedy, feel zippy and not be so resource intensive. Using the backend of Gnome Framework also brings out of the box features like screen / file share, access to online accounts like Facebook, Google and Microsoft directly. We have also implemented Touch friendly features, Makulu LinDoz now fully supports Touch screen devices like Tablets with Full screen Gesture support out of the Box. Of Course with Building LinDoz onto the new Gnome Hybrid base also means it has full extension support, You can now add extensions to LinDoz straight from the Gnome extension website, where you will find thousands of extensions available and ready to use. We have included a variety of extensions that are preinstalled to help with day to day tasks like working with workspaces, plugin in external flash drives, Weather, and Numlock/Capslock options.

Stand out features of the new LinDoz 2021:
- Introduction video that guides the user around the desktop to give an easy and comfortable user experience.
- More streamlined Theming, Lindoz now Offers 12 Theme variants : The themes have been designed with great fineness to give a much more beautifully designed look, while making the Desktop Environment feel comfortable for Both ex Windows users and Linux users.
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- An all new Desktop Clock with some nice features that is easily controlled by a custom GUI we designed to make for a pleasant experience.
- Wine pre-installed and configured, simply double click a windows executable file and run it out of the box, or use playonlinux to install and run in its own bottle.
- Makulu Portal quickly and easily guides users to seek assistance or connect to staff or other end users without much effort.
- Subtle changes around the OS designed to make the user experience more pleasant and comfortable.
- Built on the Gnome framework, Lindoz also comes with all the nice features that the Gnome framework offers.
- Warpinator for computer sharing is supported out of the box, its never been easier to connect to another computer.
- An introduction Manager that runs on first boot will quickly assist you to setup your desktop with ease.
- FlatHub and Snaps supported out of the box.

Lindoz will appeal to anyone coming over from Windows to Linux while still feeling comfortable to use for any regular Linux user.
- Developer : MakuluLinux
- Edition : 2021
- Code Name : LinDoz
- Build Number 2021.06.29
- Base : MakuluLinux-2021-D Base
- Main Repository : MakuluLinux
- Secondary Repository : Debian Testing
- Desktop Environment : Gnome Framework
- Kernel : 5.10.xx
- Architecture : 64Bit with 32Bit support ( 64Bit CPU is required )
- Required Disk Space : at least 10GB ( 20Gb or more recommended )
- Required Ram : at least 2GB ( 4GB+ recommended )
- Live username / password : makulu / makulu
- First Release Date : July 2021

Makulu Linux 2023 (64Bit)

  • €5.80

  • 3 or more €5.20
  • 5 or more €4.60

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License: GNU/GPL (Free to use or Redistribute)
Please Note:
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